After resisting the double dip afflicting most of the rest of the United States property market since spring 2010, Manhattan's housing market began to slip back at the end of last year. So, does that mean the good times are over the Big Apple's luxury homes sector? Probably not, this chill in the market may pass just as easily as winter when spring arrives.
Word has got around that some of the United States's most famous Bear investors, those with good reputations for calling the bottom of a market, are buying homes in New York - John Taylor and Nouriel Roubini, the "Dr Dooms" who predicted the global financial crisis, and John Paulson, the hedge fund manager who successfully bet the housing bubble would burst in 2006. Other Wall Street investors are making purchases too.
Commentators consider the arrival of the Bears auspicious, the best sign for new condos like 505W37 (pictured above) and the rest of the Manhattan property market since the financial crisis hit three years ago. Wall Street Bonuses are rising, so more money could flow into the city's real estate sector soon, and all this excited chatter about Bears may encourage others to make purchases.
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